What Is a Concrete Calculator
A concrete calculator takes inputs like the dimensions of the area to be covered, the cost per cubic surface area, and the density of the concrete and calculates how much concrete is needed to cover the area and how much it will cost.
Our concrete calculator supports various types of surfaces like rectangles, circles, tubes, curbs, and stairs.
How To Use the Infinity Calculator Concrete Calculator
Our concrete calculator is simple to use, requiring only basic information about the area you want to cover in concrete.
Step 1: Select the Type of Surface
First, you need to select what type of surface you want to cover in concrete. We will provide a brief description of each of the surface types below:
Flat: Either a square or a rectangular area
Circular: A cylindrical area
Tube: A cylindrical area with a cylindrical hole in the center
Curb: A typical street curb
Stairs: A stair or multiple stairs
Step 2: Enter Required Information
Each surface type has different information that is required to calculate how much concrete is needed to cover it.





Step 3: Enter Cost and Density Information
Once you have entered the required dimension information, you can then edit the cost and density sections with specific figures relating to the concrete you are purchasing. If you are looking for a general estimate, the default pre-filled information should be sufficient.
Step 4: Analyze Data
After entering your area information into our cement calculator and pressing the "calculate" button, it will provide useful data and estimate how much cement or concrete you will need to cover it.